Reliable and effective deterrence is essential not only for the preservation of many fish species, but also for the protection of infrastructure.
Light and sound systems are a more cost-effective solution than physical screens, and prevent disruption to vessels on the waterways where such barriers are not practicable. FGS solutions also minimise the impact on the wider environment, allowing projects to meet regulatory requirements as well as logistical challenges.
Our systems can be used to discourage managed fish stocks in lakes and reservoirs from exiting via outlet channels, as well as blocking invasive species such as bighead, silver, black and grass carp from travelling upstream.
For more than 25 years we have consistently taken a scientific approach to deterrence and examples of projects our engineers, biologists and environmental scientists have combined to deliver are shown below.
For more information about our acoustic and light-based fish deterrence systems and how they can help you meet the needs of your own project, please get in touch with the FGS team.
Many species of fish can successfully be deterred using our behavioural systems.