More than 25 years of experience has led to the development of a broad range of solutions for deflecting and guiding fish.

FGS personnel were involved in some of the earliest research into the use of sound to divert fish species, first conducting trials in the late 1980s. Through multiple studies and trials using fish hearing test data (audiograms), the FGS team created proprietary sound signals for applications such as diverting fish away from power plant intakes.

The principles of the BioAcoustic Fish Fence (BAFF) system were, like many great scientific advancements, first discovered as a solution to a different problem, when a founder of FGS was working on a naval defence project.

Now, the team uses audiograms and knowledge of anatomy to look for close matches when working with new species. Combined with our PrISM acoustic modelling software and light-based approaches, FGS is able to develop solutions for guiding or deterring fish in almost any situation.

Details of our systems and how they work are available at the links below, but each system’s layout, operational requirements and regulatory restrictions are different, so please get in touch if you would like more information about how we will approach your project.

bioacoustic fish fence BAFF system
Sound Projector Array
High intensity light